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Dr Jean-Philippe Weisskopf

Jean-Philippe Weisskopf , PhD


Dr. rer. pol., University of Fribourg


Professeur Associé


EHL Campus Lausanne
EHL Campus (Singapore)

Module de cours enseigné

• Advanced Electives
• Industrial Attachment (6 Months)
• Integrated Hospitality Management
• Valuation of Wine Assets

Matière(s) enseignée(s)

Corporate Finance
Finance d'entreprise

Domaine(s) d'expertise

Economie de la restauration
Entreprises familiales
Économie du vin
Finance d'entreprise empirique
Gouvernance d'entreprise
Investissement dans les objets de collection

Courte description

Dr Jean-Philippe est Professeur Associé de finance à l'EHL (EHL) et professeur invité à l'Université de Fribourg (CH). Il est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Université de Fribourg (CH) et a acquis une expérience professionnelle dans une banque privée Suisse.

Ses recherches portent sur la finance d'entreprise empirique, les entreprises familiales et l'économie du vin. Jean-Philippe est membre fondateur de l'Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management et Bordeaux Wine Economics. Il a publié des articles dans des revues de haut niveau telles que le Journal of Banking & Finance, le Journal of Corporate Finance, Applied Economics ou le Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money.

Il est également l'auteur d'un grand nombre de publications sur l'économie du vin dans le Journal of Wine Economics, Economic Modelling et Emerging Markets Review. Il a contribué à des chapitres d'ouvrages et participé dans multiples conférences. Il a été nommé chercheur de l'année 2016 à l'EHL.

Publications dans des revues évaluées par des pairs

Masset, P. and Weisskopf, J.-P. (forthcoming). From risk to reward: the strategic advantages of diversifying grape varietals. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

Poretti, C., Weisskopf, J. P., & de Régie, P. D. V. (forthcoming). Innovative business strategies, corporate performance, and firm value in the travel and leisure industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Weisskopf, J.-P. (forthcoming). Simplifying the complex: 10-K readability and asset structure. International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Masset, P., Poretti, C. & Weisskopf, J.-P. (Forthcoming). In family we trust—In good and bad times. International Review of Finance.

Gergaud, O., Masset, P., Pedrinelli, A., & Weisskopf, J. (Forthcoming). To share or not to share: An analysis of wine list disclosure by Swiss restaurant owners. Journal of Wine Economics.

Derrien, F., Garel, A., Petit-Romec, A. & Weisskopf, J.-P. (Forthcoming). Online reputation and Debt Capacity. Journal of Quantitative and Financial Analysis.

Masset, P., Mondoux, A. & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2023). Fine wine pricing in a small and highly competitive market. International Journal of Wine Business Research. Retrieved from

Lussi, S., Masset, P., Weisskopf, J.-P., & Blal, I. (2023). Cross-dimensional measures of asset lightness and fee orientation in lodging groups. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 109, 103391.

Eugster, N., Ducret, R., Isakov, D., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2022). Chasing dividends during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Review of Finance.

Masset, P., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2022). At what price should Bordeaux wines be released? Economic Inquiry, 60 (1), 392-412.

Masset, P., Weisskopf, J.-P., Cardebat, J.M., Faye, B. & Le Fur, E. (2021). Analyzing the risks of an illiquid and global asset: The case of fine wine. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 82, 1-25.

Isakov, D., Pérignon, C., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2021). What If Dividends Were Tax-Exempt? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. The Review of Financial Studies.

Masset, P., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2021). New York Restaurants: A Wine Odyssey Between 1865 and 1920. Cornell Hospitality Quarterliy, 1-16.

Masset, P., Weisskopf, J.-P., & Fauchery, C. (2020). Last Frontier Investments: The Case of Alpine Wines. Journal of Wine Economics, 15(2), 181-206.

Weisskopf, J.-P. (2020). Breaking bad: An investment in cannabis. Finance Research Letters, 33, 101201.

Atanasova, C., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2020). The price of international equity ETFs: The role of relative liquidity. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 65, 101190.

Masset, P., Uzelac, I., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2019). Family Ownership, Asset Levels and Firm Performance in Western European Hospitality Companies. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 46(3), 867-889.

Fernandez-Perez, A., Frijns, B., Tourani-Rad, A., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2019). Behavioural heterogeneity in wine investments. Applied Economics, 51(30), 3236-3255.

Masset, P., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2018). Wine indices in practice: Nicely labeled but slightly corked. Economic Modelling, 68, 555-569.

Masset, P., Weisskopf, J.-P., Cardebat, J.-M., Faye, B., & Le Fur, E. (Forthcoming). Analyzing the risks of an illiquid and global asset: The case of fine wine. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

Eugster, Masset, P., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2018). When Rationality meets Passion: On the Financial Performance of Collectibles. Journal of Alternative Investments, 21(2), 66-83.

Isakov, D., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2017). Les dividendes exonérés d'impôts en Suisse. Expert Focus, 9, 35-39

Masset, P., Weisskopf, J.-P., Faye, B., & Le Fur, E. (2016). Red obsession: the ascent of red wine in China. Emerging Markets Review, 29, 200-225.

Masset, P., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2016). A study of the performance of fine wine on the Swiss market. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 26(4), 566-582.

Isakov, D., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2015). Pay-out policies in founding family firms. Journal of Corporate Finance, 33, 330-344.

Masset, P., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2015). Wine funds - an alternative turning sour? Journal of Alternative Investments, 17(4), 6-20.

Masset, P., Weisskopf, J.-P., & Cossutta, M. (2015). Wine tasters, ratings and en primeur prices. Journal of Wine Economics, 10 (1), 75-107.

Isakov, D., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2014). Are founding families special blockholders? An investigation of controlling shareholder influence on firm performance. Journal of Banking & Finance, 41, 1-16.

Isakov, D., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2014). La politique de dividende des entreprises familiales. L'Expert-comptable suisse, 9, 56-60.

Masset, P., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2014). Le placement dans le vin: à consommer avec modération. L'Expert-comptable suisse, 9, 24-28

Isakov, D., & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2013). Les familles fondatrices sont-elles des actionnaires spéciaux? Influence d'un actionnariat concentré sur la performance des entreprises suisses. L'Expert-comptable suisse, (3).

Projets de recherche financés

Jean-Philippe Weisskopf's Projects


Researcher of the Year (2016)