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Courte description
Sowon Kim est professeur à l'EHL et fondatrice de l'initiative Women in Leadership (WIL). Ayant vécu dans huit pays d'Asie de l'Est, d'Amérique latine et du Nord et d'Europe occidentale, et forte de plus de 20 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans diverses institutions universitaires (IESE, INSEAD, Université de Genève) et entreprises privées (biens de consommation, haute technologie, radiodiffusion, joaillerie), son expertise consiste à naviguer stratégiquement dans des cultures différentes et à inspirer les gens à aller de l'avant ensemble.
Dans le cadre de la formation des cadres, le Dr Kim se concentre principalement sur les compétences interpersonnelles (QE, QC, réseautage), les équipes multiculturelles performantes et le changement de culture organisationnelle. She holds a PhD from the Uni. of Geneva and her research on personality, career strategies, work-family, and leadership diversity has appeared in academic and practitioner outlets. Mme Kim est également copropriétaire de World of Kids SA, membre du conseil d'administration de Non Violence Foundation Project (NVPF), présidente de HoteliersGuild's LeadingHotelières et membre du comité d'éducation du Travel Industry Executive Women's Network (TIEWN).
Publications dans des revues évaluées par des pairs
De Janasz, S., Kim , S., Schneer, J., Beutell N. & Wong, C. (2023). Work-family integration and segmentation in the gig economy: An exploratory study on Airbnb hosts' experiences. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 23 (1), 60-71.
Fernandez, S., Terrier, L., & Kim, S. (2023). Personality is no stranger to occupational choice among hospitality graduates. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 32, 100435.
Chinchilla, N., Grau-Grau, M. & Kim, S. (2023). Integrating the Decision-Making Process in the Work-Family Field: An Action-Based Approach. Revista Empresa y Humanismo, 26(1), 93-120.
Heo, C.Y., Kim, B., Park, K., & Back, R.M. (2022). A comparison of Best-Worst Scaling and Likert Scale methods on peer-to-peer accommodation attributes. Journal of Business Research, 148, 368-377
Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Escribano, P., Kim S., & Mayer, M. (2021). Family-supportive organisational culture, work–family balance satisfaction and government effectiveness: Evidence from four countries. Human Resources Management Journal.
Fernandez, S., Stöcklin, M., Terrier, L. & Kim, S. (2021). Using available signals on LinkedIn for personality assessment. Journal of Research in Personality.
Wolff, H.-G., & Kim, S. (2020). The costs of networking in nonwork domains: a resource-based perspective. Career Development International, 25(5), 501-516.
Kim, S. Bianchi, G., & Bosch MJ (2020). An examination of the impact of macro context on women CEOs in the hospitality industry. In Las Heras, Chinchilla, & Grau Grau (Eds.), The new ideal worker: Organizations between work-life balance, gender and leadership (pp 251-265). Springer International Publishing.
Rofcanin, Y., de Jong, J., LasHeras, M., & Kim, S. (2018). The moderating role of prosocial motivation on the association between family-supportive supervisor behaviors and employee outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 107, 153-167.
Kim, S., Fernandez, S., & Terrier, L. (2017). Procrastination, personality traits, and academic performance: When active and passive procrastination tell a different story. Personality and Individual Differences, 108, 154-157.
Kim, S., Las Heras, M., & Bosch, MJ. (2017) Work-family enrichment: When love helps. In Las Heras, Chinchilla, & Grau Grau. The work-family balance in light of globalization and technology (pp 202-219). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Las Heras, M., Kim, S., Escribano, P., & Raes, A. (2016). Well-being and engagement as predicted by fit and misfit of work to family supervisor interruption behaviors and subordinate interruption tolerance. European Accounting and Management Review, 3(1), 93-123.
Kim, S., Las Heras, M., & Escribano, P. (2016). When satisfaction with work-family balance pays. International Business Research, 9(11), 178-188.
Terrier, L., Kim, S., & Fernandez, S. (2016). Who are the good organizational citizens for the environment? An examination of the predictive validity of personality traits. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 185-190.
Kim, S., Las Heras, M., & Bosch, M. J. (2016). A Matter of Love: Exploring What Enables Work-family Enrichment. International Business Research, 9(8), 24-36.
Kim, S. (2013). Networking enablers, constraints and dynamics: A qualitative analysis. Career Development International, 18(2), 120-138.
Kim, S., & Las Heras, M. (2013). Networking: An effective career strategy. Harvard Deusto Business Review, 220, 76-82.
Lopez-Jurado, M., & Kim, S. (2013). Moral learning and the good life. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 255, 327-341.
Wolff, H.-G., & Kim, S. (2012). The relationship between networking behaviors and the Big Five personality dimensions. Career Development International, 17(1), 43-66.
Las Heras, M., & Kim, S. (2012). The family: A school for business. Harvard Deusto Business Review, 211, 44-49.
Chinchilla, N., Moragas, M., & Kim, S. (2012). Work and family decision-making framework: A motivational perspective. IESE Working Paper 956, 1-19.
Kim, S., & Las Heras, M. (2012). A qualitative exploration of facilitating conditions for work-family enrichment. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012(1). Briarcliff Manor : New York.
Projets de recherche financés
Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2013)
Best Applied Paper of the Career Division at the Academy of Management Conference (2012)