Matière(s) enseignée(s)
Domaine(s) d'expertise
Courte description
Dr Alessandro Inversini est Professeur Titulaire en marketing à l'EHL. Il est expert en marketing numérique, en communication numérique, en mobile marketing et en eTourisme et possède une vaste expérience universitaire et industrielle internationale. Avant de rejoindre l'EHL, Dr Inversini a travaillé à l'Università della Svizzera italiana (où il était directeur exécutif du laboratoire webatelier.net), à l'Université de Bournemouth (où il était membre du eTourism Lab) et à la Henley Business School (University of Reading - où il était responsable du département marketing stratégique au MBA).
Au cours de sa carrière, Dr Inversini s'est engagé dans l'industrie en tant que consultant (auprès d'entreprises allant de start-up à des entreprises établies) et en tant que directeur général de ticinoinfo SA, le centre de compétence régional public-privé pour l'innovation dans les médias numériques dans le secteur du voyage de la Région Tessino (Suisse). Les recherches du Dr Alessandro ont été financées et soutenues par des organismes publics et privés en Suisse, en Italie et au Royaume-Uni et ont été publiées dans de prestigieuses revues de recherche internationales.
Publications dans des revues évaluées par des pairs
Chen, M.-M., Seach, K., Inversini, A., & Williams, N. (forthcoming). Different cultures review hotels differently. Tourism and Hospitality Research.
Inversini, A., Saul, L., Balet, S. and Schegg, R. (forthcoming). The rise of regenerative hospitality. Journal of Tourism Futures.
Inversini, A., Rega, I., & Gan, S. W. (2022). The transformative learning nature of malaysian homestay experiences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 51, 312-320.
Krings, W., Palmer, R., Harrison, M.J. & Inversini, A. (2022). Digital Media as a Game-Changer in B2B Buyer-Vendor Relationships. Journal of Sustainable Business and Economics, 05(03), 27-43.
Filieri, R., Zhibin, L., Pino, G., Alguezaui, S., & Inversini, A. (2021). The role of visual cues in eWOM on consumers’ behavioral intention and decisions. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.06.055
Krings, W., Palmer, R., & Inversini, A. (2021). Industrial marketing management digital media optimization for B2B marketing. Industrial Marketing Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.01.002
Inversini, A., Williams, N., Rega, I., & Samakovlis, I. (2020). Modelling Twitter conversations in #favela towards the conceptualization of the eVoice of the unheard. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.
Inversini, A. (2020). Reputation in travel and tourism: a perspective article. Tourism Review, Vol. 75 No.1, pp. 310-313. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-04-2019-0127
Inversini, A., De Carlo, M., & Masiero, L. (2020). The effects of customer-centricity in hospitality. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102436
Inversini, A., Rega, I., & van Zyl, I. (2019). Internet representations of voluntourism fail to effectively integrate tourism and volunteering. Tourism Geographies, 22(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2019.1600007
Sit, K., Hoang, D., & Inversini, A. (2018). Showrooming and retail opportunities: A qualitative investigation via a consumer-experience lens. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 40, 163-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2017.10.004
Inversini, A. (2017). Managing Passengers’ Experience Through Mobile Moments. Journal of Air Transport Management, 62, 78-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2017.03.009
Williams, N. L., Inversini, A., Ferdinand, N., & Buhalis, D. (2017). Destination eWOM: A macro and meso network approach? Annals of Tourism Research, 64, 87-101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2017.02.007
Inversini, A., & Rega, I. (2016). eTourism for Socio-Economic Development, Symphonya. Emerging Issues in Management, 1, 75-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.4468/2016.1.08inversini.rega
Krings, W., Palmer, R., Harrison, M.J. & Inversini, A. (2022). Digital Media as a Game-Changer in B2B Buyer-Vendor Relationships. Journal of Sustainable Business and Economics, 05(03), 27-43.
Stangl, B., Inversini, A., & Schegg, R. (2016). Hotels’ dependency on online intermediaries and their chosen distribution channel portfolios: Three country insights. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 52, 87-96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2015.09.015
Williams, N. L., Inversini, A., Buhalis, D., & Ferdinand, N. (2015). Community crosstalk: an exploratory analysis of destination and festival eWOM on Twitter. Journal of Marketing Management, 31(9-10), 1113-1140. https://doi.org/10.1080/0267257X.2015.1035308
Inversini, A., & Masiero, L. (2014). Selling Rooms Online: The Use of Social Media and Online Travel Agents. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(2), 272-292. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-03-2013-0140
Projets de recherche financés
Literati Award of Excellence – Outstanding Paper Award for "Smart tourism destinations: ecosystems for tourism destination competitiveness", International Journal of Tourism Cities (2017)
IFITT Best Journal Article of the Year – Runner up for "Community crosstalk: an exploratory analysis of destination and festival eWOM on Twitter", Journal of Marketing Management (2015)
Academy Of Marketing 2014 Best Paper in Track Award for "Social Media and Festivals as Destination Marketing Tool: A study on Twitter Conversations", Presented at Academy of Marketing Conference 2014 (2014)
ED MEDIA Best Paper Award for "MiLE: Systematic Usability Evaluation for E-learning Web Applications", Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2004 (2004)
Portails de recherche