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Dr Stefan Güldenberg

Stefan Güldenberg , PhD


Habilitation in Knowledge Management and Leadership, WU Vienna
PhD in Strategic Management and Management Control, WU Vienna
Diploma in Business Mathematics, University of Ulm


Professeur Titulaire


EHL Campus Lausanne

Module de cours enseigné

• Business field trip: Europe
• Strategic management in the platform economy
• Sustainability Business Trip
• Sustainability Transformation Project

Matière(s) enseignée(s)

Strategic management in the hospitality industry

Domaine(s) d'expertise

Gestion stratégique
Leadership, durabilité
Gestion des connaissances
Futur du travail
Gestion stratégique dans l'industrie hôtelière

Courte description

Stefan Güldenberg est professeur titulaire à l'EHL et directeur académique de la Graduate School de l'EHL. In 2020 Stefan joined EHL Campus Passugg as Adjunct Professor and in 2021 he became part of the Pathfinder Team. Il a étudié les mathématiques commerciales, la philosophie et l'anglais à l'Université d'Ulm, détient un doctorat ainsi qu'une habilitation de l'Université d'économie et de commerce de Vienne (WU).

Avant de rejoindre l'EHL, Stefan Güldenberg a travaillé comme professeur titulaire en gestion internationale et directeur de l'Institut de l'entrepreneuriat à l'Université du Liechtenstein, comme professeur et directeur du département des ressources humaines et de l'organisation à WHL (une université privée en Allemagne) et comme professeur de gestion stratégique et de contrôle de gestion à WU Vienne.

Des postes de professeur invité à l'étranger l'ont conduit, entre autres, à l'université de Harvard, au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) et à l'université nationale de Singapour. Il est l'actuel vice-président pratique de l'Académie européenne de management (EURAM) et président du New Club of Paris, un groupe de réflexion et d'élaboration d'un agenda pour l'économie de la connaissance.

Stefan a plus de 25 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans la recherche en stratégie, le conseil en stratégie et en tant que fondateur de plateformes d'experts. He conducts research and teaches courses in strategic management, sustainable leadership, and knowledge management. Il fait partie du comité de rédaction de plusieurs revues scientifiques, dont EURAM Sparks, le Journal of Knowledge Management et le Journal of Digital Economy.

Publications dans des revues évaluées par des pairs

Lettner, N., Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S. & Güttel, W (forthcoming). Customers as knowledge partners in a digital business ecosystem: From Customer Analytics Towards Knowledge Partnerships. Journal of Digital Economy.

Langhof, J. & Güldenberg, S. (forthcoming). Next Generation Leadership: The Rise of the Robot Servant Leaders? International Journal of Servant Leadership.

Langhof, J. & Güldenberg, S. (2021). Ethical Risks of Servant Leadership: Examining Operation Valkyrie. Journal of Management History. (ABDC: A)

Langhof, J. & Güldenberg, S. (2020). King Frederick the Great – Anti-Machiavellian and Servant Leader? Journal of Management History, 2(26), 137-164. (ABDC: A)

Langhof, J. & Güldenberg, S. (2020). Servant leadership: A Systematic Literature Review- toward a Model of Antecedents, Outcomes, Causes, and Effects. German Journal of Human Resource Management. 1(34), 32-68 (ABS: 2; ISI: 1.114; VHB: C)

Hauser, A., Egger, F., & Güldenberg, S. (2020). Strategic Decision-Making in SMEs: Effectuation, Causation and the Absence of Strategy. Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal. 3(54), 775-790. (ABDC: A; ABS: 3; ISI: 3.414; VHB: B)

Klammer, A., & Güldenberg, S. (2020). Honor the old, welcome the new: An account of unlearning and forgetting in NPD teams. European Journal of Innovation Management, 23(4), 581-603. (ABS_2018: 1; ISI_2016: 0.457; ISI_2016_5year: 0.831; VHB_3: B)

Langhof, J. & Güldenberg, S. (2019). Leadership and the significance of formalized organizational structures: Crazy Horse vs Custer. Journal of Management History. 3(25), 341-363. (ABDC: A)

Hamann, T.; Güldenberg, S. & Renzl, B. (2019). Overshare and collapse: How sustainable are profit-oriented company-to-peer bike-sharing systems really? Die Unternehmung: Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice. 4(73), 345-373.

Klammer, A.; Grishold, T. & Güldenberg, S. (2019). Introducing a ‘stop-doing’ culture: How to free your organization from rigidity. Business Horizons. 62(4), 451-458 (ABDC: C; ABS: 2; ISI: 3.329; VHB: C).

Langhof, J. & Güldenberg, S. (2019). Pirates, Ghosts and Customer Loyalty – Reviewing the Dark Ride Experience. Tourism Management Perspectives, 31, 398-420. (ABDC: A)

Klammer, A., & Güldenberg, S. (2019). Unlearning and Forgetting in Organizations: A Systematic Review of Literature. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(5), 860-888. (ABDC: A; ABS: 2; ISI: 3.293; VHB: C)

Güldenberg, S., Hecker, L., Klammer, A., Wilhelm, S., Schurr, F., & Staub, P. (2017). Residential choice in polycentric border-crossing agglomeration areas: The example of the Lake Constance-Alpine Rhine Valley. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8(4), 367-387.

Wilhelm, S., Güldenberg, S., & Güttel, W. (2013). Do You Know Your Valuable Customers? Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(5), 661 - 676. (ABDC: A; ABS: 2; ISI: 3.293; VHB: C)

Eggers, F., O'Dwyer, M., Kraus, S., Vallaster, C., & Güldenberg, S. (2013). The impact of brand authenticity on brand trust and SME growth: A CEO perspective. Journal of World Business, 48(3), 340-348. (ABDC: A; ABS: 4; ISI: 4.541; VHB: B)

Leitner, K.-H., & Güldenberg, S. (2010). Generic Strategies and Firm Performance in SMEs: A Longitudinal Study of Austrian SMEs. Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, 35(2), 169-189. (ABDC: A; ABS: 3; ISI: 3.414; VHB: B)

Güldenberg, S., & Helting, H. (2007). Bridging "The Great Divide": Nonaka's Synthesis of "Western" and "Eastern" Knowledge Concepts Reassessed. Organization (Special Issue on the Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management: Consequences for Organization Theory and Practice), 14, 101-122. (ABS: 3; ISI: 2.861; VHB: B)

Güldenberg, S., & Helting, H. (2004). Wissensmanagement falsch verstanden? Eine Fortsetzung des Dialoges zur Neuorientierung des Wissensmanagements. Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 64(5), 523-537. (VHB: C)


Knowledge Management Award 2011 awarded by Knowledge Management Austria for the further development of Knowledge Research Knowledge Policy and Knowledge Management
"Top-Publication 2006" award granted by Vienna University of Economics and Business
“Innovative Teaching Award 2002” at the Vienna University of Economics and Business
"CEO of the future 2000"-Award granted by the Manager Magazin and McKinsey Germany
“Stephan-Koren-Award 1997” granted for the best doctoral thesis in 1996 and the included scientific research granted by the Association of Professors at the Vienna University of Economics and Business