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Dr Yong Chen

Yong Chen , PhD


PhD in Hospitality and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Professeur Associé


EHL Campus Lausanne

Module de cours enseigné

• Hospitality Economics

Matière(s) enseignée(s)

Hospitality Economics

Domaine(s) d'expertise

Économie comportementale dans le tourisme et l'hôtellerie
Tourisme chinois entrant et sortant
Économie du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie
Économie de partage et marchés bifaces
Impacts économiques du tourisme

Courte description

Titulaire d'un doctorat, Dr Yong Chen est Professeur Associé à l'EHL, où il enseigne l'économie du tourisme et des métiers de l'accueil. Ses travaux portent notamment sur la satisfaction des touristes, la demande touristique, les impacts économiques du tourisme et du secteur de l'accueil, l'économie participative et le tourisme émetteur chinois.

Il a publié des articles dans diverses revues, notamment Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research et International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Son point de vue sur l'économie participative, la demande touristique chinoise et le secteur hôtelier a également été relayé par CNN, MarketWatch, South China Morning Post et EHL Hospitality Insights.

Publications dans des revues évaluées par des pairs

Chen, Y. (forthcoming). Tourist Flows and Multi-Destination Trips: A Network Analysis. Journal of China Tourism Research.

Bianchi, G. & Chen, Y. (Forthcoming). The legal aspects of hotel rate parity. Tourism Economics.

Chen, Y. (2024). A network analysis of tourist activity. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(2), 505-523.

Lopez, L. Bianchi, G., & Chen, Y. (2023). Does official development assistance promote tourism demand for donor countries? Evidence from Switzerland. Tourism Economics.

Bianchi, G., & Chen, Y. (2022). Testing effects of hospitality employment on property crime in the United States. Tourism Economics.

Gu, Q., Zhang, H., Chen, Y., & Li, T. (2022). Mapping the spatiotemporal patterns of beach litter on UK beaches from 2000 to 2016: An emerging hot spot analytical approach. Transactions in GIS.

Sayfuddin, A., & Chen, Y. (2021). The signaling and reputational effects of customer ratings on hotel revenues: Evidence from TripAdvisor. International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Chen, Y. (2021). Measuring litter distribution on UK beaches. Marine Policy, 130.

Kim, B., & Chen, Y. (2021). The effects of spirituality on visitor behavior: A cognitive-affective-conative model. International Journal of Tourism Research.

Bianchi, G., & Chen, Y. (2020). The short-and long-run hotel demand in Switzerland: A weighted macroeconomic approach. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(5), 835-857.

Chen, Y. (2020). Channeling life satisfaction to tourist satisfaction: New conceptualization and evidence. Journal of China Tourism Research, 1-19.

Kim, B., & Chen, Y. (2020). Effects of religious celebrity on destination experience: the case of Pope Francis’s visit to Solmoe Shrine. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(1), 1-14.

Chen, Y. (2019). Social Innovation in Tourism: Unleashing the Time-Money Constraint. Journal of Knowledge Economy, 10, 1700–1719.

Chen, Y., & Jiang, K. (2019). A multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model of the behavioral consequences of hotel guests. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 197-207.

Xie, K. L., & Chen, Y. (2019). Effects of host incentives on multiple listings in accommodation sharing. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1995?2013.

Chen, Y., Dellea, D., & Bianchi, G. (2018). Knowledge creation and research production in Swiss hotel schools: A case study of EHL. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 31(1), 10-22.

Chen, Y., & Li, R. (2018). Does a happy destination bring you happiness? Evidence from Swiss inbound tourism. Tourism Management, 65, 256-266.

Chen, Y., & Xie, K. L. (2017). Consumer valuation of Airbnb listings: A hedonic pricing approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(9), 2405-2424.

Lo, A. S., Im, H. H., Chen, Y., & Qu, H. (2017). Building brand relationship quality among hotel loyalty program members. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 458-488.

Chen, Y., Schuckert, M., Song, H., & Chon, K. (2016). Why can package tours hurt tourists? Evidence from China’s tourism demand in Hong Kong. Journal of Travel Research, 55(4), 427-439.

Chen, Y., & Dellea, D. (2015). Swiss hospitality and tourism education: The experience of the EHL. Tourism Tribune, 30(10), 5-9.

Bianchi G., & Chen Y. (2015). CEO compensation and firm performance in the hospitality industry: A cross-industry comparison. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 15(3-4), 121-138.

Li, M., Zhang, H., Xiao, H., & Chen, Y. (2015). A grid-group analysis of tourism motivation. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(1), 35-44.

Lo, A. S., Mak, B., & Chen, Y. (2014). Do travel agency jobs appeal to university students? A case of tourism management students in Hong Kong. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 14(1), 87-121.

Guo, Y., Kim, S., & Chen, Y. (2014). Shanghai residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and quality of life. Journal of China Tourism Research, 10, 142-164.

Chen, Y., Mak, B., & Li, Z. (2013). Quality deterioration in package tours: The interplay of asymmetric information and reputation. Tourism Management, 38, 43-54.

Projets de recherche financés

Chen, Y., Project: The Swiss Tourist Satisfaction and Happiness Index, Date: 01.01.2015 to 31.03.2016, External Fundraising: HES-SO.