
A master’s degree from EHL Hospitality Business School gives you a competitive edge for a high-flying international career in today’s global service industry. Designed with leading industry partners, our master’s programs develop strong professional expertise and interdisciplinary skills that are both in-demand and future-proof. At the same time, EHL connects you to a powerful global network and resources to accelerate your career or help you launch a successful entrepreneurial project.


Master in Hospitality Management

Get ready to kickstart your career with this program that combines advanced industry knowledge with real-world experience. You’ll learn the theory behind service model strategies and apply your knowledge through real-world projects and an internship in a hospitality setting.

  • Full-time, On-site program
  • 18 months
  • At EHL Campus Lausanne, Switzerland

Master in Global Hospitality Business

With this globe-trotting master’s degree, you’ll develop strategic management skills and real-world experience by collaborating with international hospitality businesses in three important hospitality markets (Europe, USA and Hong Kong).

  • Full-time, on-site program
  • 16 months
  • 3 Semesters: Lausanne, Switzerland; Hong Kong; Houston, USA

EHL Graduate Programs Course Catalog

Balanced Learning & Growth


Experiential Approach

Learning from experience at EHL means you encounter new situations and perspectives, integrate fresh ideas, and experiment in real-world situations. In this balanced way, you’ll learn management strategy and innovation techniques by practicing them yourself.

Social Context

Learning is a social process at EHL, which helps you develop soft skills. In small, multicultural classes, you will hone your soft skills by working in teams, completing real-world business challenges, and exchanging with industry practitioners on field trips and projects.

Leadership by Experts

Our master’s courses teach you to be a leader, not just a manager, and leadership involves influencing others to achieve a common goal. By learning from the examples of industry leaders and top academics, you will develop up-to-date leadership skills and business strategies.

Access to Lifelong Learning

An EHL education gives you an awareness that learning is a lifelong process. You gain the skills and drive necessary to continue to learn long after your academic journey at EHL, and as alumni, you benefit from reduced rates on EHL courses to keep your skills up-to-date.

Which Master in Hospitality is right for you?