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Short Bio
Dr. Matthias Fuchs is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at EHL and serves as the Director of the Institute for Customer Experience Management. He researches digital customer behavior, product and service configurators, and customer feedback, and his work has been published in top-tier business journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research (ABS 4*, VHB A+, FT50) and the Journal of Business Ethics (FT50). He works closely with globally renown luxury brands (e.g., Audemars Piguet) and his work is featured in outlets like the New York Times, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, the Economic Times, and others. He is an experienced educator who teaches courses in marketing, brand management, customer experience, and computational thinking.
Prior to joining academia, Matthias spent over seven years in brand management and marketing management, holding various positions at Procter & Gamble and Coty Inc.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Gisler, J., Gollnhofer, J.F., & Fuchs, M. (2023). Die gru?ne Schweizer KonsumentIn. Marketing Review St. Gallen (2), 10-17.
Fuchs, M., & Schreier, M. (2023). Paying Twice for Aesthetic Customization? The Negative Effect of Uniqueness on a Product’s Resale Value. Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 60 (3).
Fuchs, M., Omlin, C., Naef, S., Steiner, T., Schumpf, E., & Gollnhofer, J. (2022). Cognitive Biases as Boosters: Using Cognitive Biases to Improve Communication Recall for Emmi Jogurtpur. Marketing Review St. Gallen, Vol. 4, 2022, 18-23.
Bucher, J. H., Fuchs, M., Gollnhofer, J. F., Leimert, H., Manke, B. K. L., Tomczak, T., & Vario, M. (2022). The New Consumer - A Typology of Consumer Reactions to the COVID-19 Crisis. In E. Gallitto, M. Massi, & P. Harrison (Eds.), Keeping up with the ‘New Normal.’ Hampshire, England: Palgrave.
Fuchs, M., & Häubl, G. (2020). The Review-Writing Effect: Writing a Review Amplifies Evaluations and Connections More Than Rating Does. ACR North American Advances.
Bucher, J. H., Fuchs, M., Gollnhofer, J. F., Leimert, H., Manke, B. K. L., Tomczak, T., & Vario, M. (2021). Schweizer Konsumentenverhalten und Markenkommunikation in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 3.
Miska, C., Stahl, G. K., & Fuchs, M. (2018). The moderating role of context in determining unethical managerial behavior: A case survey. Journal of Business Ethics, 153(3), 793-812.
Funded Research Projects