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Dr Sébastien Fernandez

Sébastien Fernandez , PhD


PhD in Differential Psychology, University of Geneva


Associate Professor

Teaching Location(s)

Courses taught

• Human Behaviour & Performance in the Workplace
• People analytics: Adding value through people

Area(s) of Expertise

Customer-oriented behaviors
Employee selection
Psychometric testing
Tipping behavior
People analytics: Adding value through people
Human Behaviour & Performance in the Workplace

Short Bio

Sébastien Fernandez, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at EHL since 2011. He received his BSc and MSc in Psychology from the University of Lausanne and his PhD in Differential Psychology from the University of Geneva. He worked in the Swiss Army for five years where he was in charge of the assessment of the candidates for officer positions.

He has taught courses in human behavior and performance, talent assessment, psychology, and interpersonal relations. Sébastien is interested in helping the hospitality industry and leaders of tomorrow to take into account the psychological forces that drive high performance in organizational settings and to make decisions (such as talent decisions) with the help of evidence-based and innovative approaches coming from the field of organizational psychology.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Fernandez, S., Stöcklin, M., Terrier, L. & Kim, S. (Forthcoming). Using available signals on LinkedIn for personality assessment. Journal of Research in Personality.

Gössling, S., Fernandez, S., Martin-Rios, C., Reyes, S. P., Fointiat, V., Isaac, R. K., & Lunde, M. (Forthcoming). Restaurant tipping in Europe: a comparative assessment. Current Issues in Tourism.

Raub, S., Fernandez, S. & Vitalis, M. (2024). Servant leadership and psychological empowerment of hotel service employees – The moderating role of openness. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 23(1), 1-23.

Fernandez, S., Terrier, L., & Kim, S. (2023). Personality is no stranger to occupational choice among hospitality graduates. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 32, 100435.

Roulin, N., & Fernandez, S. (2022). Cybervetting : Facebook is dead, long live LinkedIn? Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 15, 365-370.

Fernandez, S., Dufour, F., Costa, V., de Boer, C., Terrier, L., & Golay, P. (2020). Increasing tips in less than two hours: Impact of a training intervention on the amount of tips received by restaurant employees. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 61(1), 98-107.

Fernandez, S., & Pougnet, S. (2018). Is there structure in the selection interview? Evidence from hotels in Switzerland. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 17(1), 80-97.

Terrier, L., Rech, A., Marfaing, B., & Fernandez, S. (2018). How to deal with amotivated students? Using commitment to reduce amotivation as applied to hospitality training. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 30(1), 11-18.

Kim, S., Fernandez, S., & Terrier, L. (2017). Procrastination, personality traits, and academic performance: When active and passive procrastination tell a different story. Personality and Individual Differences, 108, 154-157.

Fernandez, S., Stosic, G., & Terrier, L. (2017). Does your résumé photograph tell who you are? Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 186-189.

Fernandez, S. (2016). Le pourboire: indicateur de la qualité de service ou reflet de la personnalité des serveurs? La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 278-279, 13-20.

Terrier, L., Kim, S., & Fernandez, S. (2016). Who are the good organizational citizens for the environment? An examination of the predictive validity of personality traits. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 185-190.

Fernandez, S., Fagot, D., Dirk, J., & de Ribaupierre, A. (2014). Generalization of the worst performance rule across the lifespan. Intelligence, 42, 31-43.

Funded Research Projects

Sébasien Fernandez's Projects


“Young researcher award” in 2008 and 2010 at the Journées Internationales de Psychologie Différentielle (International Congres of Differential Psychology)