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Short Bio
Valentina Clergue, PhD, is an experienced senior researcher with interests pertaining to branding, advertising, and sustainable consumption, teaching courses in Marketing, Brand Management and E-Marketing at EHL. In addition, she worked in the advertising industry for more than five years.
She conducted advertising campaigns for clients such as Cisco, Danone, Jeff de Bruges, and DHL among others. She is skilled in market research, online marketing, and marketing communication. She has studied and worked in the USA, Bulgaria, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Etemad-Sajadi, R., Heo, C., & Clergue, V. (2023). Instilling the core tenets of hospitality in healthcare services: The role of service assurance and social presence. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
Rahmani, L., Haasova, S., Czellar, S., Clergue, V. & Martin, C. (2022). How Often Do You Think About Your Relationship With Nature? The Measurement of Environmental Identity Salience and Its Relationship With Proenvironmental Behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology 13, 877978. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.877978
Funded Research Projects