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Short Bio
Dr Stefano Borzillo is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at EHL. He obtained his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the University of Geneva and was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Stern School of Business (New York University). His main fields of research are communities of practice, processes of knowledge creation, and best practice transfers in organizations.
Dr Stefano Borzillo has also published in peer-reviewed journals such as European Management Journal, Journal of Business Strategy, Management Learning, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, and Journal of Knowledge Management. Stefano has multiple experiences in Executive Education, and in consulting for SMEs and large organizations.
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Stoikov, S., Borzillo, S., & Raub, S. (forthcoming). Picky Eaters Make for Better Raters. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.
Hasman, S. & Borzillo, S. (Forthcoming). The hospitality industry and COVID-19: Stock price crash risk. Tourism Economics.
Borzillo, S. & Alshahrani, S. (Forthcoming). A shared corporate vision: staff and senior management collaborate for market dominance at a large Saudi hotel. Journal of Business Strategy.
Audrin, B., Borzillo, S. and Raub, S. (2024). When the hierarchy folds: how employees may react. Journal of Business Strategy, 45(2), 98-106.
Bootz, J.-P., Borzillo, S. & Raub, S.P. (2023). Leaders of Organisational Communities of Practice: Their characteristics, activities, and fit with their communities, Knowledge Management Research & Practice.
Raub, S., Borzillo, S., Perretten, G., & Schmitt, A. (2021). New employee orientation, role-related stressors and conflict at work: Consequences for work attitudes and performance of hospitality employees. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102857
Haas, A., Abonneau, D., Borzillo, S., & Guillaume, P. L. (2021). Afraid of engagement? Towards an understanding of engagement in virtual communities of practice. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/14778238.2020.1745704
Kaminska, R., & Borzillo, S. (2018). Challenges to the learning organization in the context of generational diversity and social networks. The Learning Organization, 25(2), 92-101. https://doi.org/10.1108/TLO-03-2017-0033
Borzillo, S. (2017). Balancing control and autonomy in communities of practice: governance patterns and knowledge in nine multinationals. Journal of Business Strategy, 38(3), 10-20. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-03-2016-0031
Haas, A., Abonneau, D., Borzillo, S. & Guillaume, P.L. (2021). Afraid of engagement? Towards an understanding of engagement in virtual communities of practice. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 19 (2). https://doi.org/10.1080/14778238.2020.1745704
Josserand, E., Schmitt, A., & Borzillo, S. (2017). Balancing present needs and future options: how employees leverage social networks with clients. Journal of Business Strategy, 38(1), 14-21. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-01-2016-0003
Borzillo, S., & Kaminska, R. (2016). Organizing for Sustained Innovation: the Role of Knowledge Flows within and between Organizational Communities. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 14(1), 46-54. https://doi.org/10.1057/kmrp.2014.31
Bardon, T., & Borzillo, S. (2015). Communities of Practice: Control or Autonomy? Journal of Business Strategy, 37(1), 11-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-02-2015-0018
Harvey, J. F, Cohendet, P., Simon, L., & Borzillo, S. (2015). Knowing Communities in the Front End of Innovation. Research-Technology Management, 58(1), 46-54. https://doi.org/10.5437/08956308X5801198
Schwenger, D., Straub, T., & Borzillo, S. (2014). Non-Governmental Organizations: Strategic Management for a Competitive World. Journal of Business Strategy, 35(4), 11-19. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-11-2013-0105
Schiavone, F., & Borzillo, S. (2014). Creating Technological Knowledge in Vintage Communities of Practice. Journal of Knowledge Management, 18(5), 991-1003. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-06-2014-0251
Kaehr, C. & Borzillo, S. (2013). Founder succession in new ventures: the human perspective. Journal of Business Strategy, 34(5), 12-24. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBS-04-2013-0031
Borzillo, S., Schmitt, A., & Antino, M. (2012). Communities of practice: keeping the company agile. Journal of Business Strategy, 33(6), 22-30. https://doi.org/10.1108/02756661211281480
Schmitt, A., Borzillo, S., & Probst, G. (2011). Don’t Let Knowledge Walk Away: Knowledge Retention during Employee Downsizing. Management Learning, 43(1), 53-74. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1350507611411630
Borzillo, S., & Kaminska-Labbé, R. (2011). Unraveling the Dynamics of Knowledge Creation in Communities of Practice through Complexity Theory Lenses. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 9, 353-366. https://doi.org/10.1057/kmrp.2011.13
Borzillo, S., Aznar, S., & Schmitt, A. (2011). A journey through communities of practice: why and how members move from the periphery to the core. European Management Journal, 29(1), 25-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2010.08.004
Borzillo, S., & Kamiska-Labbé, R. (2011). Step-in or Step-out: How to Support Innovation through Communities of Practice. Journal of Business Strategy, 32(3), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.1108/02756661111121974
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