
Our Learning Philosophy

Based on 125 years of experience and industry feedback, we have developed an inspirational and innovative university-level teaching approach that produces top-notch managers for the international hospitality industry and other business sectors where an excellent customer experience is the key to success. 

EHL's Pillars of Hospitality Education

The pillars of hospitality education at EHL include experiential education, a social learning context, leadership, and an awareness and appreciation for lifelong learning.

  • Experiential Education - Learning from experience involves being open to new situations and perspectives, integrating these ideas, and being able to experiment in real-world situations
  • A Social Learning Context - Learning is a social process and to be successful at EHL and in the business world, students learn to work together throughout their studies.
  • Leadership - EHL students learn to become leaders, not just managers. Leadership involves influencing others to achieve a common goal.
  • An Awareness of and Appreciation for Lifelong Learning - An EHL education provides students with an awareness that learning is a lifelong process. EHL graduates obtain the skills and drive necessary to continue to learn long after their academic journey at EHL.
EHL Students

EHL Graduate Attributes

We encourage students to actively participate in every class and extracurricular activity they attend. By doing so, they learn how to work within a multicultural team, to take on a leadership roles and to quickly and effectively apply what they have learned.

Students are expected to carry out international internships and case studies to help them develop into open-minded, pragmatic, creative professionals who will make an immediate impact in their future careers.

EHL graduates are highly sought after by many employers, and many have quickly worked their way into high-responsibility positions around the world.

EHL Graduates

EHL graduates are pragmatic, innovative professionals. They critically assess data using strong analytical skills, reasoning and appropriate technology to be effective Problem-solvers who can work in complex and uncertain situations.
As future Leaders in hospitality management and the wider international service industry, they are proactive and effective communicators, collaborators and managers across diverse audiences and organizations.
EHL graduates are responsible Citizens and decision-makers, who are sensitive to cultural differences in a global context and who contribute to sustainable development, through their understanding of environmental, economic, social and ethical issues.
Inspired by their “savoir-être” cultivated at EHL, they possess the finest Hospitality mindset, are courteous, offer service quality, and are able to adapt to diverse social contexts. They are open-minded, cultivated, and knowledgeable about humanity.

As life-long Learners, EHL graduates are known to be self-critical, autonomous in both group and individual work, and ever curious in their pursuit of knowledge.

Industry Immersion & International Network

In addition to the competencies and knowledge acquired during their studies, graduates from EHL have access to a vast career network and a variety of on-campus activities and program requirements contribute to their career resources and networking, before and after graduation:

  • EHL’s broad alumni network is a valuable source of employment and opportunities for work placement and mentoring. 
  • Industry exposure and immersion is a key feature of studies at EHL, most notably internships, field trips and industry visits
  • Project-based assessments with partners from the industry, both at undergraduate (Student Business Projects) and postgraduate (Capstone Projects) levels
  • On campus networking activities include Career Fairs, company recruitment visits, industry events and guest speakers
  • Interacting with industry leaders such as “EHL Presents”, the Distinguished Speakers Series, Innovation Roundtables, Private Markets Research Events, which offer the opportunity to connect with thought leaders in the industry.

Educational Effectiveness

Educational effectiveness is a cyclical process which begins at a student's admission phase, by defining criteria predictive of student success, and establishing processes to recruit with integrity.

It continues through the delivery of the programs within a progressive learning environment, and is sustained through graduation ensuring the employability of the students.

Moreover, educational effectiveness is an integral component of the continuous academic improvement process in place at EHL. Educational effectiveness in programs, and across the institution as a whole, are linked with two major areas: student learning (measured by assessment of learning outcomes) and student success (measured by graduation, retention and employment rates).

Data in each of these areas is being used in program reporting and strategic planning processes to strengthen academic programs and services for students.


The Student Experience

Learning is a social process and to be successful at EHL and in the business world, students learn to work together throughout their studies. The foundational aspects of what it means to be part of a team, as both leader and member, instill a collaborative spirit into each student’s personal development.

Teamwork therefore extends outside of the classroom on student committees and other projects. There are multiple student committees that support a range of interests and that clearly align with specific learning outcomes, for example the CSR committee, We Wine, Entrepreneurship Club.

Additionally, there are sports or art clubs that support the soft skills that EHL values such as teamwork, community service. Students participate in many high profile international events such as the International Hotel Investment Forum (IHIF), the most renowned hospitality conference in Europe, the L’Oreal entrepreneurship competition, and more.