University of Applied Sciences (HES-SO)

Since 1998, EHL has been associated by convention to the HES-SO, the largest of the eight Universities of Applied Science (UAS) in Switzerland. This association allows EHL to offer the only UAS hospitality programs in Western Switzerland. It also ensures their national and international excellence and the official recognition of our degrees.
Our HES-SO portfolio includes the following courses : The Bachelor of Science HES-SO in Hospitality Management, the Executive MBA, the Master in Global Hospitality Business, and the Master in Wine and Hospitality.
EHL is accredited by NECHE, the New England Commission of Higher Education (formerly the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.). EHL Hospitality Business School was reaccredited in April 2024 following a 10-year comprehensive review in November 2023. The next comprehensive evaluation is scheduled for Fall 2033.
As the world’s largest business education alliance, AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders.
Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and professional development services to over 1,500 member organizations and more than 785 accredited business schools worldwide.
With its global headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA; Europe, Middle East, and Africa headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands; and Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore, AACSB’s mission is to foster engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify impact on business education.
EHL has been a member of the AACSB Business Education Alliance since 2016. It was accredited in Spring 2024 following a peer-review site visit in March 2024 for achievement of the highest standard of quality assurance in business education and for demonstrating a sustained commitment to high-quality and continuous improvement.
EHL is a full member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) since June 2016. EFMD is an international not-for-profit membership organization founded in Belgium in 1972.
With over 800 industry and academic members, EFMD is "acting as a catalyst to promote and enhance excellence in management worldwide".
The network therefore represents a unique opportunity for institutions of higher education to further develop collaborations and to get insight from leading companies, in order to ensure that academic programs stay attuned to the realities of the global economy.
EHL is a member of HotellerieSuisse, the Swiss Hotel Association founded in 1882, whose member companies represent two thirds of the Swiss bed supply. HotellerieSuisse's Director and Vice-President are members of EHL's Board of Trustees.
Our Professional school, the EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality (EHL SSTH) is located at EHL Campus Passugg
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